Alpha et Omega
A mystical offshoot of the Golden Dawn, marked by secrecy and a rich legacy in occult traditions.

Animas Valley Institute
A pioneering organization in the heart of southwest Colorado, dedicated to facilitating deep, transformative connection with nature and the self.

A sanctuary for holistic healing and intentional community living nestled in the North Carolina foothills.

Abraham–Hicks (Esther Hicks)
A pioneering force behind the Law of Attraction, channeling infinite intelligence for personal empowerment.

Astral Doorway (Gene Hart)
Exploring the boundaries of consciousness through astral projection and spiritual awakening.

Assembly of the Body of Christ
An enigmatic spiritual community with roots in the Shepherding Movement, marked by its home-based gatherings and stringent leadership.

Atlas Project
A transformative personal development program with a focus on self-exploration and community building.

Academy for Future Science
Bridging the realms of science, spirituality, and consciousness through education and research.

A spiritual movement seeking to unlock the intellectual connection to the spiritual world.

Ascension Leadership Academy
A transformative journey into emotional intelligence and leadership development.

A transmedia universe marred by internal controversy, including allegations of manipulation and plagiarism.

Antares de la Luz (Ramon Gustavo Castillo)
A chilling saga of doomsday beliefs, a ritual sacrifice, and a leader's tragic end.

Awaiting Christ Church
A South African movement marked by apocalyptic predictions and controversial practices.

A spiritual mosaic blending diverse religious traditions under the universal chant of "AUM."

A transformational seminar series that blurs the lines between self-improvement and cult-like indoctrination.

Aryan Brotherhood
A notorious amalgam of white supremacy and organized crime, flourishing within and beyond prison walls.

Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Plaster Rock
A dynamic revival church with deep historical roots and a vibrant community of believers.

Apostolic Formation Center for Christian Renew-All
A controversial movement rooted in Catholicism, marked by claims of divine revelations and a tumultuous history.

A global direct selling giant entangled in controversy and political connections.

Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives
A controversial organization challenging mainstream HIV/AIDS medical consensus.

Alcor Life Extension Foundation
Pioneering the frontier of cryopreservation in the quest for future revival.

A global network of militant Islamism challenging the West and moderate Muslim nations.

Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya
A controversial spiritual movement embroiled in legal and ethical scandals.

A Nigerian spiritual movement known for its emphasis on prayer, healing, and the indigenization of Christianity.

America’s Buffalo Soldiers Re-Enactors Association
A living history group honoring African American military history amidst controversy.

Advent Christian Church
An Adventist community prioritizing the imminent Second Coming of Christ and advocating for the conditional immortality of the soul.

Zebedee Armstrong
A visionary artist with a profound message on time and divinity through his unique doomsday calendars.

A Victorian era sect with scandalous rituals and a belief in the imminent Second Coming.

Apostolic United Brethren
A Mormon fundamentalist group practicing plural marriage and preserving early Latter-day Saint doctrines.

Answers in Genesis
A ministry at the forefront of creationism, challenging evolutionary science with a biblical worldview.

Alleluia Community
A charismatic ecumenical Christian community emphasizing unity and spiritual renewal.

A mystic sect of Shi'a Islam with esoteric beliefs and a political legacy in Syria.

Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarene)
A global fellowship grounded in Anabaptist and Holiness traditions, emphasizing sanctification and a devout lifestyle.

Kuzma Alekseyev (Kuzya-the-God)
A historical figure who led the Teryukhan unrest and claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

A Belgian movement that combines elements of Christianity, spiritualism, and theosophy.

African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem
A spiritual community of African-American in Israel, claiming that they are the true decedents of the ancient Israelites

Apostolic Gospel Church of Jesus Christ
A church within the Oneness Pentecostalism movement, founded by Donald Abernathy in 1963, known for its faith healing practices and strict dress code.

Arnold Potter
A self-declared Messiah and leader of a schismatic Latter Day Saint sect, known for his extraordinary claims and tragic demise.

Atlas Vampire
A chilling unsolved mystery from 1930s Stockholm, involving an unsolved murder linked to vampiric lore.

A South Indian monistic faith with a focus on spiritual enlightenment and societal reformation, based on the teachings of Ayya Vaikundar.

The Awakened, A Fellowship in Christ
A Christian group formed around a portrait of Christ, intending to prepare for a new age as prophesied in the Bible.

The Assembly (George Geftakys)
A religious group with a vision of New Testament gathering, marred by leadership controversy and cultic dynamics.

Agape Ministries
A controversial religious group with apocalyptic beliefs and a tumultuous history.

Assembly of Christian Soldiers
A white supremacist Christian organization founded by members of the KKK

A medieval Christian sect associated with pantheism and radical free thought.

Avatar Course (Harry Palmer)
A self-improvement program that blends spirituality with belief management, created by a former Scientologist.

Austin Canons
A religious order of canons regular in the Catholic Church, known for their pastoral care and commitment to the Rule of Saint Augustine.

Aurora Colony
A 19th-century utopia known for it's music, craftsmanship, and communal living.

Aum Shinrikyo
A Japanese doomsday cult responsible for the deadly 1995 Tokyo subway sarin attack.

An early Christian sect known for its unique interpretation of God's anthropomorphism.

Association for Research and Enlightenment
Edgar Cayce's organization promoting holistic health, personal spirituality, and the study of metaphysics.

Assemblies of Yahweh
A unique religious organization blending Jewish and Christian traditions, emphasizing the restoration of the original Hebrew name of God and adherence to Old Testament laws.

Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ
A Oneness Pentecostal denomination emphasizing apostolic doctrine, baptism in Jesus' name, and the experience of speaking in tongues.

An extraterrestrial being and the focus of a widespread New Age belief system known for its messages of cosmic spirituality and intergalactic communication.

Ashram Communities
A network of spiritual retreats offering communal living and focusing on personal development, meditation, and holistic practices.

Asaram Bapu
A controversial Indian spiritual leader embroiled in legal scandals and convicted of sexual assault.

Aryan Nations
A white supremacist group advocating for the establishment of an all-white homeland.

An early Christian sect that diverged from mainstream teachings with its unique Christological views.

Art of Living Foundation
A global spiritual and humanitarian organization aiming for a stress-free, violence-free society through self-development programs.

A medieval Christian sect challenging orthodoxy with its radical views on poverty and the Church's corruption.

Army of God
A radical Christian organization known for its violent anti-abortion stance and acts of domestic terrorism.

A controversial Christian movement, which emphasizes unique interpretations of end-time prophecies and Old Testament laws.

One of the early Christian heresies, which denied the full divinity of Jesus Christ.

A Gnostic sect with unique beliefs about the cosmos and salvation.

Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God
A Oneness Pentecostal movement known for its dynamic worship and strong community bonds.

Apostolic Faith Church
A Pentecostal denomination with a strong emphasis on holiness, divine healing, and the imminent return of Jesus Christ.

Apostolic Brethren
A medieval heretical Christian movement, challenging the wealth and practices of the Catholic Church with radical egalitarian views.

Apostles of Infinite Love
A small yet fervent sect claiming to possess the true Catholic doctrine, led by a man who declared himself Pope.

A 4th-century Christian sect, asserting a unique Christology that emphasized the divine nature of Jesus over his humanity.

Antioch International Movement of Churches
A global evangelical movement fostering church planting and missions with a Pentecostal Charismatic ethos.

A pivotal force in early American politics, opposing Freemasonry and pioneering third-party and anti-establishment movements.

A 4th-century Christian sect rejecting the perpetual virginity of Mary, mother of Jesus.

Ant Hill Kids
A notorious cult marked by extreme physical abuse and psychological control

A radical 4th-century Christian sect that championed an extreme Arian belief in the dissimilarity between God the Father and Jesus Christ.

Anglo-Saxon Federation of America
A movement advocating the belief in the identity of Anglo-Saxons with the biblical "Lost Tribes of Israel".

Solitary figures in Christian asceticism, seeking closeness to God through extreme forms of isolation and self-denial.

Ananda Church of Self-Realization
A global spiritual movement inspired by the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, dedicated to living in joy through meditation, yoga, and community.

Pioneers of adult baptism and religious freedom in the 16th century, advocating separation of church and state and pacifism.

A nuanced interpretation of Calvinism that posits Christ's atonement as universally intended, conditional upon faith.

A traditional Christian community known for its simple living, plain dress, and resistance to modern technology.

American Vision
An influential Christian Reconstructionist organization advocating for the application of Biblical law in all areas of life.

Amana Colonies
A historic communal society founded on faith and shared resources, now a beacon of heritage and craftsmanship.

A mystical Christian movement in 16th-century Spain, known for their emphasis on inner enlightenment and direct experience of God, which led to clashes with the Inquisition.

An ancient Christian group known for rejecting the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation, emphasizing a rational interpretation of Christianity.

A medieval Christian movement in southern France, known for its dualist beliefs and tragic end during the Albigensian Crusade.

Alamo Christian Foundation
A controversial Christian group known for its fervent evangelism, legal troubles, and the eventual imprisonment of its leader.

A controversial Islamic movement that stirred national security concerns in Malaysia.

A controversial Islamic movement founded on peaceful revivalism and a reinterpretation of jihad.

Agricultural People’s Front of Peru
A Peruvian political party with a unique blend of agrarian, nationalist, and theocratic ideologies rooted in a syncretic religious movement.

A mystical Hindu sect known for their extreme rituals, including cannibalism and meditating on corpses, in pursuit of enlightenment.

Aggressive Christianity Training Corps
A militant Christian fundamentalist movement with a controversial legacy of legal troubles and accusations of abuse.

Aetherius Society
A spiritual organization known for its claims of extraterrestrial communication.

Aesthetic Realism
An educational and cultural philosophy exploring the aesthetic structure of reality and human relations.

Access Consciousness
A self-help organization offering tools and techniques for personal transformation, amidst criticism and controversy over its methods and beliefs.