Category: T

Temple of Chrysalis

Harnessing the transformative power of the self through esoteric rituals and philosophic systems inspired by the lifecycle of a butterfly.

Three Jewels NYC

A sanctuary in the heart of New York offering a blend of yoga, meditation, and Buddhist teachings.

Troubled Teen Industry

A controversial network of programs and facilities aiming to reform youth behavior, often criticized for its punitive measures and lack of oversight.

Andrew Tate

A controversial influencer leading a digital movement with a fervent following.

Spring Thibaudeau

A woman embroiled in a doomsday prophecy involving her teenage son and apocalyptic beliefs.


A mystical philosophy advocating for the pursuit of one's true will.


A holistic spiritual community dedicated to global service, enlightenment, and the preservation of Earth.

Teen Challenge

A global network of faith-based rehabilitation programs offering a path to recovery through Christ.

Transcendental Meditation

A personalized path to inner peace, clarity, and wellness, taught one-on-one by certified instructors.


A mystical philosophy seeking universal truths through intuition and meditation.


A far-right Christian ethno-nationalist group in the Philippines, known for its paramilitary activities and cult-like characteristics.


A meditation and healing technique aiming to connect with the Creator for emotional and physical well-being.

T. M. Landry

A Louisiana school embroiled in scandal over alleged abuse and college admissions fraud.

Toronto Blessing

A unique spiritual revival marked by ecstatic experiences and miraculous manifestations.


A prophetic Christian movement born from the vision and leadership of Simão Gonçalves Toko, surviving persecution and evolving into a major religious force in Angola.


A blend of ancient shamanic practices and modern movements developed into a mystical and controversial movement by Carlos Castaneda.


A medieval French sect infamous for their radical poverty and controversial practices, excommunicated by Pope Gregory XI.

Tolstoyan Movement

A global, pacifist, and spiritual movement rooted in the philosophies of Russian author Leo Tolstoy, emphasizing non-violence and simple living.

Temple of Set

An esoteric evolution of Satanism advocating self-deification and the exploration of dark magic.

Temple of the Vampire

An international organization advocating vampirism as the next step in human evolution, promoting individualism and self-empowerment.

Twin Flames Universe

A controversial spiritual group promoting intense soulmate connections, marred by allegations of manipulation and identity exploitation.

Theosophical Society

A spiritual movement blending Eastern and Western philosophies to explore the Ageless Wisdom and human transformation.

THC Ministry

A religious organization advocating cannabis as a sacred sacrament and fundamental human right, blending ancient traditions and modern perspectives.

Temple Society

A Christian movement emphasizing individual spiritual temples of God, originating from Germany with a complex history of migration and ideological shifts.

Torsten W.

A leader of a medieval-themed sex circle involved in a mysterious murder-suicide pact involving crossbows.


A Muslim punk subculture and music scene

A controversial online platform advocating for Christian polygamy.

Two by Twos

A discreet Christian movement known for its itinerant preachers and simple, unadorned worship style.

Twelve Tribes Communities

A network of religious communities advocating for a return to early Christian values and communal living.

True Jesus Church

A unique Christian denomination emphasizing baptism, speaking in tongues, and Sabbath observance.

Theaurau John Tany

A 17th-century mystical figure known for his apocalyptic prophecies and eccentric behavior.