Torsten W.

A medieval-themed cult leader whose obsession with control and manipulation led to a tragic crossbow murder-suicide pact.

Torsten W., a 53-year-old German man, was identified as the central figure in a series of bizarre and fatal events in Germany, involving a cult-like group with an obsession for medieval folklore and sexual dominance. This case gained public attention in May 2019 when Torsten W. and two women were found dead in a hotel room in Passau, Bavaria, each killed with crossbow bolts. These deaths were soon linked to two additional fatalities, further uncovering the dark underpinnings of this group.

The group, often described as a “medieval sex cult,” revolved around Torsten W.’s fascination with medieval folklore and weaponry. He owned a shop in Hachenburg, Germany, selling medieval-style weapons and flags, offering sword-fighting classes, and displaying a mannequin dressed in a macabre and suggestive manner. His interest in the medieval era extended to his treatment of the women in the group, who he allegedly controlled and treated as slaves.

The victims found in the Bavarian hotel room were Torsten W., aged 53, Kerstin E., aged 33, and Farina C., aged 30. Kerstin E. and Torsten W. were discovered lying in bed hand in hand, each impaled with crossbow arrows, while Farina C. was found on the floor with a crossbow bolt in her neck. Two wills linked to Torsten W. and Kerstin E. were discovered in the room. The police considered the case a “requested killing and suicide,” indicating that Farina C. likely shot the couple before killing herself.

The case took a darker turn when two more deceased women were found in Wittingen, in the house of Farina C. These victims were Gertrud C., a 35-year-old primary school teacher and Farina C.’s partner, and another unnamed 19-year-old woman. Unlike the initial scene, no crossbows or arrows were found, and the exact cause of their deaths remained unclear.

Media reports and interviews with acquaintances painted a picture of psychological manipulation and control exerted by Torsten W. over the women. One couple feared their daughter, who had become withdrawn and depressive after meeting Torsten W. through martial arts classes, was among the victims. A former landlord described an environment where women were treated harshly and behaved submissively, reinforcing the dynamics of a cult.

The motive behind the deaths and the specific nature of the relationships within this group remained obscure, with ongoing investigations at the time of reporting. The bizarre nature of the case, involving medieval themes, crossbows, and a pattern of dominance and submission, garnered significant media interest and speculation about the group’s activities and beliefs.