Universal Hagar’s Spiritual Church
A Christian-based spiritual movement blending biblical teachings with mysticism and African American religious traditions.

United Nation of Islam (Value Creators)
A controversial religious movement founded as an offshoot of the Nation of Islam, known for its forced labor practices and unconventional beliefs.

A syncretic, mystical path blending monotheism with esoteric practices and a belief in a cosmic Christ spirit.

University of Cosmic Intelligence (Rashad Jamal)
A digital domain for esoteric beliefs and controversial practices under the guidance of Rashad Jamal.

United People of Canada
A Canadian not-for-profit embroiled in legal and community disputes over its controversial activities and associations.

Unity Church
A spiritual movement blending metaphysical teachings with traditional Christian elements.

Unitarian Universalism
A liberal religious movement embracing a wide spectrum of beliefs and traditions, united by a search for spiritual growth and social justice.

Universalist Church of America
A pioneering Christian denomination advocating universal salvation and social justice.

Universal Life Church
Empowering millions globally with ordination and a staunch advocate for religious freedom.

Understanding Principles for Better Living Church
A spiritual sanctuary promoting higher thought and living through New Thought Christian principles.

Universe People
A Czech UFO religion blending messages from cosmic beings with anti-modern technology sentiments.

Universal White Brotherhood
A spiritual movement founded in Bulgaria that combines esoteric Christianity with new age philosophy.

United House of Prayer for All People
A unique Christian movement known for its dynamic worship services and distinctive brass bands.

Unarius Academy of Science
A UFO religion focused on past lives, interplanetary teachings, and future peace.

Utopian Community of Modern Times
An experimental communal society aimed at achieving social equality and shared prosperity.

University Bible Fellowship
An international evangelical movement, originating in South Korea, with a focus on student evangelism and biblical discipleship.

Unitarian Church of Transylvania
A historic religious movement in Central Europe advocating for religious tolerance and Unitarian beliefs.

Unitarian Church in Ireland
A liberal Christian movement in Ireland emphasizing freedom of thought and rejection of the Trinity.

Unión Espiritista Cristiana de Filipinas, Inc.
The largest association of Christian spiritists in the Philippines, known for its unique blend of spirituality and mediumship.

A digital-age spiritual movement led by Unicole Unicron, blending pop culture, spirituality, and social activism.

Unicorn Cove School of Metaphysics
A sanctuary for spiritual seekers to develop their metaphysical abilities through telepathic readings and other unique services.

An alternative movement aiming to revolutionize societal, legal, and financial structures.

The United Church Of The Ministers Of God (Gary Heidnik)
A religious organization turned cult, notoriously led by a criminal masquerading as a preacher.

United Church of God (Armstrongism Organization)
A Christian denomination emphasizing the restoration of original Christian teachings and the observance of Old Testament laws.

Unification Church (Moonies)
A controversial religious movement known for mass weddings and a unique worldview blending Christianity, Eastern spirituality, and anti-communist fervor.

Universal Medicine
A controversial health and healing organization blending esoteric philosophy with alternative wellness practices.

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God
A global Pentecostal Christian denomination known for its prosperity theology and expansive media presence.

União do Vegetal
A Brazilian religious group combining Christian beliefs with South American shamanistic practices, known for its sacramental use of ayahuasca.

Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church
A religious movement blending Orthodox and Catholic traditions, primarily among Ukrainian emigrants.