Brother Panic
A spiritual guide in the metaphysical and occult realms, leaving a lasting legacy through his teachings and publications.

Dr. Delbert Blair
A spiritual leader exploring the depths of metaphysics, history, and the unknown.

Brainwashing and Mind Control: A Threat to Freedom or a Misunderstood Concept?
Brainwashing, a term first coined by Edward Hunter in 1950, ignites debates on the extent to which mind control can influence human behavior. While media typically portrays it as a mechanism of coercive control prevalent in cults and new religious movements, the concept encompasses a spectrum of techniques used to manipulate attitudes, values, and beliefs.…

Aravindan Balakrishnan
A Maoist cult leader's descent into tyranny and abuse under the guise of revolutionary socialism.

Roger Billings
A controversial figure blending technology, education, and religious leadership amid allegations of creating an underground 'cult'.

Bethel Church (Redding, CA)
A pioneering hub of modern Christian renewal and global spiritual influence.

Bassnectar Community
A tumultuous saga of fame, allegations, and a divided fanbase.

GD Blankenship
A controversial figure stirring cult fears and legal troubles across states.

Alex Batty
A British boy's disappearance leads to a journey of spiritual communes and a mother's cult involvement.

Bios Psychè
A dynamic psychotherapy school with a relational-psychodynamic orientation, recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education.

Buddha Boy
A spiritual enigma wrapped in controversy, straddling the line between divine asceticism and grave allegations.

Bob Jones University
A conservative evangelical institution with a history of controversial policies on race, religion, and academic accreditation.

Built Anew Ministries
A virtual sanctuary fostering spiritual, mental, and physical well-being through diverse ministries.

Brownsville Revival
A transformative Christian revival that reshaped Pentecostalism and sparked global interest.

Bride of Christ (Knutby Murder)
A tragic saga of faith, manipulation, and murder within a Swedish Pentecostal community.

A controversial belief system advocating living without food or water, claiming sustenance from prana or life energy alone.

Boko Haram
A militant group seeking to establish an Islamic state in Nigeria, infamous for its brutal insurgency and allegiance to ISIS.

Beta Dominion Xenophilia
A space alien cult entangled in criminal activities under the guise of extraterrestrial communication.

Bethel Church, Mansfield Woodhouse
A religious community that aimed for the heavens but faced earthly woes in a failed musical venture.

Brunstad Christian Church
A global Christian community with a mission of faith and transformation.

Born Again Movement
A Chinese Christian network renowned for its rapid growth and unique practices under Communist scrutiny.

David Bawden
A self-declared pope striving for the restoration of traditional Catholicism from a Kansas farmhouse.

A School of Life, navigating spiritual realms through ancestral wisdom and the sacred Iboga.

Beachy Amish
A modern Anabaptist group bridging traditional values with contemporary life.

Mark Biltz
A Christian pastor intertwining biblical prophecy with celestial events.

Branhamism (William M. Branham)
A movement centered around the controversial teachings of a mid-20th century faith healer, deemed a blend of divine revelation and esoteric doctrine.

Baháʼí Faith
A global religion proclaiming the unity of all religions and humanity.

A spiritual community led by a charismatic leader that gained notoriety for its secretive practices and allegations of abuse.

A precursor to the Bahá'í Faith, emphasizing a new prophetic cycle with its unique teachings and laws.

Bohemian Grove
An elite, secretive gathering known for its extravagant rituals and influential membership.

Bible Student Movement
A Millennialist Restorationist Christian movement emerging from the teachings of Charles Taze Russell, focusing on biblical prophecy and the Second Coming of Christ.

The Battle-Axes of Free Love Valley
A controversial 19th-century religious sect in Pennsylvania, known for its radical views on free love, nudity, and communal living.

Berkeley Psychic Institute
A controversial organization offering training in psychic abilities and spiritual healing.

Bishop Hill Colony
A 19th-century Swedish communal utopia in Illinois, known for its communal living and unique cultural contributions.

The Body of Christ (Attleboro Sect)
A fundamentalist Christian cult whose rejection of medical care resulted in the death of an infant

The Brethren (Jim Roberts Group)
A highly secretive and nomadic religious group, known for its strict adherence to the teachings of Jesus and an austere lifestyle.

A Christian communal movement committed to living out the teachings of Jesus Christ in shared community life.

Bernhard Müller
A religious leader that led a 19th-century utopia, which split from the Harmony Society

John Burt
A self-described "spiritual advisor" to anti-abortion murderers, who took advantage of troubled teens

Brethren [and Sisters] of the Common Life
A medieval Christian community known for their communal living and influential role in Christian humanism.

Brotherhood of Eternal Love
A utopian countercultural group that valued LSD as a religious sacrament

A 16th-century movement in England, advocating for complete separation from the Church of England.

An apocalyptic movement in the 18th century led by a woman who was expected to rise from the grave

Burari Deaths
A family cult that ended with the mysterious ritual suicide of 11 people

Black Hebrew Israelites
A diverse movement asserting African Americans' descent from the ancient Israelites.

A Gnostic Christian sect in the Middle Ages, known for its rejection of the established church and social norms.

An enduring monastic tradition fostering spirituality through prayer, work, and communal living.

Bethesda Home for Girls
A controversial institution with a history of legal issues and allegations of abuse.

A significant sect within Russian Old Believers, known for their rejection of ordained clergy and traditional ecclesiastical hierarchy.

Bible Holiness Church
A vibrant community dedicated to holiness, evangelization, and the empowerment of its members.

Bikram Yoga
A controversial yoga style combining rigorous poses with intense heat

Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ
A Pentecostal denomination emphasizing apostolic doctrine and a holistic approach to Christian living.

Blackburn Cult (Divine Order of the Royal Arms of the Great Eleven)
A mysterious 1920s cult led by a mother-daughter duo with apocalyptic prophecies and bizarre rituals.

Brisbane Christian Fellowship
A controversial Australian church accused of cult-like practices

An early Christian sect that reportedly ate semen and menstrual fluids during the eucharist

Brethren of the Free Spirit
A mystical movement of the Middle Ages, advocating spiritual freedom and divine union beyond traditional religious constraints.

Builders Of The Adytum
A mystical organization blending Kabbalistic, Rosicrucian, and Masonic elements to guide spiritual development.

Brotherhood of the New Life
A utopian spiritual community rooted in esoteric Christianity.

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star
A spiritual movement advocating for world peace, unity, and adherence to the Ten Commandments.

Brother Dean Saxton
A confrontational street preacher known for his extreme views on modesty and behavior.

Brook Farm
A transcendentalist community that sought to harmonize intellectual pursuits with agrarian life.

Branch Davidians
An apocalyptic sect that faced a tragic end during a standoff with federal agents in Waco, Texas.

A spiritual healer known for his silent gaze, believed to transmit divine energy and healing.

Bohemian Adamites
A radical Christian sect that practiced nudism and free love.

A heretical Christian sect of the 4th century, known for its unique views on the nature of Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Black Bear Ranch
An experimental commune born from the 60s counterculture, championing self-sufficiency, free love, and communal living in the wilderness of Northern California.

Bergholz Community
A controversial Amish offshoot known for its strict rules and involvement in a high-profile beard-cutting crime

A Unique Medieval Lay Religious Movement for Women

A medieval lay religious movement embodying poverty, care for the sick, and devotion without formal vows.

A radical Anabaptist sect known for their violent tactics and apocalyptic beliefs during the Reformation.

A Gnostic Christian sect that revered the mystical Abraxas and sought spiritual enlightenment through esoteric knowledge.

A historic Catholic order inspired by St. Paul, dedicated to charity, education, and the spiritual life.

A Puritanical movement that challenged the Church of England's authority.

An ancient Gnostic sect with unique cosmological beliefs, known for their reverence of the divine figure Barbelo.

Baptist Foundation of Arizona
A financial scandal masquerading as a religious foundation, resulting in one of the largest nonprofit bankruptcies in American history.

Jim Bakker
A televangelist who built a Christian-themed amusement park and was later embroiled in scandal and imprisonment.

Baháʼís Under the Provisions of the Covenant
An apocalyptic splinter Baháʼí group, advocating for a different line of succession in leadership.