
A militant group preparing for an apocalyptic battle with the forces of the Antichrist.

Religion: Christianity
Denomination: Christian Patriot Movement
Founder: David Brian Stone Sr.
Founded: 2006
Location: United States (primarily Michigan)
Size: Estimated around 10 members

The Hutaree, identified as a Christian militia group, was formed in the early 2000s, embodying extreme anti-government sentiments under the guise of preparing for apocalyptic battles as per their interpretation of Christian prophecy. Based primarily in Michigan, the group was formed with the intention of opposing what they perceived as the oppressive authority of the U.S. government, which they dubbed the “brotherhood” and considered their enemy. This enmity was deeply rooted in a complex mesh of conspiracy theories, apocalyptic Christian beliefs, and a broad distrust of federal law enforcement agencies.

At the core of the Hutaree’s ideology was a blend of Christian apocalypticism and fundamentalism, combined with a deeply held belief in an impending struggle between good and evil. They believed in the necessity of preparing for the return of Jesus Christ and saw themselves as warriors for Christianity, tasked with fighting against the forces of the Antichrist, which they associated with the U.S. government and its agencies. This worldview was not isolated but part of a broader spectrum of apocalyptic thought prevalent among certain Christian fundamentalist groups. Such beliefs often entail a dualistic worldview, where the world is seen in terms of an ultimate battle between good (themselves) and evil (variously identified as secular elites, government officials, or other religious and social groups)​​.

The group gained national attention in 2010 when nine members were arrested and charged with a range of serious offenses, including seditious conspiracy and attempted use of weapons of mass destruction. The charges stemmed from an alleged plot to kill a police officer and then attack the law enforcement officials who would gather for the funeral, with improvised explosive devices. This plan was seen as a strategy to incite a larger uprising against the government​​​​.

In 2012, the federal judge presiding over the case dismissed the most serious charges against the Hutaree members, citing a lack of concrete evidence of a specific plan to attack the government. The judge ruled that the group’s anti-government rhetoric did not constitute a concrete plan to commit violence. As a result, all members were acquitted of the most serious charges, with some, including the group’s leader, David Brian Stone Sr., facing weapons charges. By August of the same year, those still in custody were sentenced to time served on these charges and placed under supervision​​.

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