
A controversial philosophy promising personal and societal transformation through radical free-market principles.

Origins and Development

Neo-Tech, an abbreviation for “New Techniques,” is a philosophical and ideological system that emerged in the late 20th century. Developed by Frank R. Wallace, born Wallace Ward, this movement has its roots in Objectivism but extends Ayn Rand’s ideas with unique interpretations and applications. Wallace, a former research chemist with a Ph.D. in chemistry, shifted his career focus to develop and promote Neo-Tech through his publishing company, Integrated Management Associates.

The origins of Neo-Tech can be traced back to Wallace’s experiences as a professional poker player and his studies of human behavior and psychology. He began developing his ideas in the late 1960s, initially publishing them under the pen name “Frank R. Wallace” to protect his identity as a poker player. This pseudonym would later become the name by which he was widely known in the Neo-Tech community.

Core Philosophy and Principles

Neo-Tech’s philosophy is an offshoot of Objectivism, emphasizing rationality, individualism, and a free market as the foundations of prosperity and happiness. It criticizes traditional social, political, and religious institutions as part of what it labels the “anticivilization,” proposing instead a new civilization grounded in reason, productive achievement, and honest dealings.

One of the central tenets of Neo-Tech is the concept of “integrated honesty,” which Wallace described as a commitment to rational thinking, productive effort, and the pursuit of personal values. The philosophy emphasizes the importance of individual achievement, rational self-interest, and the rejection of mysticism and altruism. It also promotes the idea of “integrated thinking,” which involves combining rational analysis with creative problem-solving to achieve optimal results in various areas of life.

Neo-Tech philosophy strongly advocates for “value production,” emphasizing the importance of creating tangible value in one’s personal and professional life. Adherents are encouraged to focus their efforts on activities that generate real, measurable benefits for themselves and others, rather than engaging in what the philosophy terms as “value-destroying” activities.

In the realm of personal growth, Neo-Tech principles are said to be applicable across various domains of life, including business, relationships, and self-improvement. In the business world, Neo-Tech advocates for a form of entrepreneurship that prioritizes innovation, efficiency, and value creation. It encourages individuals to identify and exploit market opportunities while maintaining ethical standards.

Regarding personal relationships, Neo-Tech promotes a concept of romantic love based on mutual respect, shared values, and individual autonomy. It rejects traditional notions of sacrifice or compromise in relationships, instead advocating for partnerships that enhance the lives of both individuals involved.

The Neo-Tech philosophy also incorporates elements of futurism and transhumanism, with some of its literature discussing the potential for human life extension and technological advancements. These ideas are often presented in the context of achieving long-term personal and societal goals, reflecting the movement’s forward-thinking approach to human progress and development.

Neo-Tech is highly critical of many conventional social, political, and religious institutions. It argues that these structures often impede individual progress and societal advancement. The philosophy challenges traditional education systems, government structures, and religious organizations, proposing alternative approaches that it claims are more aligned with rational thinking and individual liberty.

Publications and Dissemination

Wallace published numerous books and materials on Neo-Tech, including “The Neo-Tech Discovery,” “The Neo-Tech Package,” and “The Nouveau Tech Package.” These publications outlined the philosophy’s principles and provided detailed instructions on how to apply Neo-Tech concepts in various aspects of life.

The Neo-Tech Publishing Company, founded by Wallace, has been responsible for disseminating Neo-Tech materials and organizing seminars and workshops for interested individuals. Over the years, the company has produced a vast array of resources, including books, audio recordings, and video presentations, covering a wide range of topics related to the Neo-Tech philosophy and its practical applications.

Controversies and Criticisms

The movement has been embroiled in controversy, notably due to the aggressive marketing tactics used to sell Neo-Tech literature. The materials promised extraordinary benefits such as wealth, love, and even eternal life. Critics, including government officials and consumer protection agencies, have labeled Neo-Tech as a scam, highlighting the lack of evidence supporting its grandiose claims.

Wallace himself faced legal challenges, including convictions for tax evasion, which brought further scrutiny to his practices and the legitimacy of Neo-Tech’s promises. Some critics have accused the movement of being a cult-like organization, while others have questioned the validity of its claims and techniques. The philosophy’s emphasis on self-interest and rejection of traditional moral values has also been a source of debate among philosophers and ethicists.

Cultural Impact and Continuation

Despite its contentious reputation, Neo-Tech has permeated popular culture to a degree. Its principles have influenced comic book storylines, reflecting the philosophy’s appeal to ideas of individual empowerment and societal transformation. The movement’s ideas have also inspired political action, leading to the formation of the Twelve Visions Party, founded by Mark Hamilton, Wallace’s son.

Frank R. Wallace’s death in 2006 marked a significant transition for the Neo-Tech movement. However, the philosophy continues to persist through his writings and those of his successors. Mark Hamilton has taken up the mantle of promoting and developing Neo-Tech ideas, publishing additional materials and expanding on the original concepts introduced by his father.

Hamilton’s efforts have included the publication of new books and the organization of seminars and workshops aimed at introducing Neo-Tech principles to a new generation of followers. These continued efforts have helped maintain a dedicated, albeit niche, following for the philosophy.

Neo-Tech in the Digital Age

As the world has moved increasingly online, Neo-Tech has adapted to the digital landscape. Websites, forums, and social media groups dedicated to discussing and promoting Neo-Tech principles have emerged, creating virtual communities of adherents and curious individuals alike.

These online platforms have served as spaces for debate, learning, and the exchange of ideas related to Neo-Tech philosophy. They have also provided a means for the dissemination of Neo-Tech materials to a global audience, extending the reach of the movement beyond its original primarily North American base.

Academic and Philosophical Reception

While Neo-Tech has gained a following among some individuals, it has received limited attention in mainstream academic and philosophical circles. The philosophy’s unconventional origins and its blend of Objectivist principles with more esoteric concepts have led to skepticism from many traditional philosophers and scholars.

Some academics have analyzed Neo-Tech as part of broader studies on fringe philosophies or new religious movements. These analyses often focus on the movement’s organizational structure, marketing strategies, and the psychological appeal of its promises of personal transformation and success.

Neo-Tech and Self-Help Literature

Neo-Tech’s emphasis on personal development and success has led some to categorize it within the broader genre of self-help literature. The movement’s materials often include practical advice and techniques for improving various aspects of one’s life, from financial success to personal relationships.

However, Neo-Tech distinguishes itself from typical self-help approaches by grounding its advice in a comprehensive philosophical framework. This integration of practical techniques with a broader worldview is a key feature that sets Neo-Tech apart from many other self-improvement methodologies.


Neo-Tech, with its unique blend of Objectivist philosophy, futurism, and self-help techniques, remains a controversial and intriguing movement in the landscape of modern ideologies. While its grandiose claims and aggressive marketing tactics have drawn criticism, the philosophy continues to attract individuals seeking alternative approaches to personal development and societal organization.

As with many fringe philosophies, Neo-Tech’s long-term influence and relevance remain subjects of ongoing debate. Whether viewed as a revolutionary approach to life or a questionable marketing scheme, Neo-Tech has undeniably left its mark on a subset of individuals seeking unconventional paths to personal and societal transformation.