Harun Yahya

A controversial Islamic televangelist and creationist leader known for his unorthodox methods and criminal convictions.

Adnan Oktar, widely known by his pen name Harun Yahya, is a Turkish author, Islamic creationist, and controversial cult leader who has left an indelible mark on religious and scientific discourse. Born in Ankara in 1956, Oktar’s journey began when he moved to Istanbul to study architecture at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. It was during this time that he became deeply involved in religious activism, setting the stage for his future endeavors.

Early Career and Ideological Foundations

By the early 1980s, Oktar had begun disseminating his views on Islam, focusing primarily on opposing Marxism, communism, and Darwinism. He saw these ideologies as promoting atheism and materialism, which he believed were detrimental to Islamic values. Oktar’s approach to Islam was unique, rejecting both Sunni and Shia traditions in favor of a Quran-centric interpretation.

During this period, Oktar formed a group of followers, primarily from wealthy Istanbul families. This marked the beginning of what would later become a large and influential organization. However, his early career was not without challenges. In 1986, Oktar was arrested and subsequently diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia while in custody, an event that would later be used by critics to question his credibility.

The Science Research Foundation and Creationism

In the 1990s, Oktar founded the Science Research Foundation (BAV), which became the primary vehicle for promoting his ideas. The foundation gained notoriety for its seminars and conferences against Darwinism. Interestingly, members of the organization were known for wearing designer clothing during these events, signifying their modern approach to Islamic advocacy.

The foundation’s most significant contribution to Oktar’s mission was the publication of “The Atlas of Creation” in 2007. This lavishly illustrated multi-volume book argued against the theory of evolution by showcasing fossils and modern animals, claiming that life forms have not undergone change. The book was distributed worldwide, sparking significant controversy and debate.

Critics were quick to point out numerous factual inaccuracies and misleading claims in “The Atlas of Creation.” These included misidentifying species and using unauthorized copyrighted photographs. Despite these criticisms, the book gained considerable attention and became a cornerstone of Oktar’s creationist arguments.

Televangelism and Unconventional Methods

Oktar’s foray into televangelism, notably through A9 TV, introduced a unique brand of Islamic preaching to the world. His television shows featured discussions on religious and current affairs, interspersed with dance segments performed by young women referred to as his “kittens.” This blending of conservative Islamic teachings with modern, often controversial presentations set Oktar apart in the Islamic televangelist sphere.

The television broadcasts often featured elaborate sets, music, and dance performances, contributing to Oktar’s flamboyant and controversial public image. This unorthodox approach to Islamic preaching drew both fascination and criticism from viewers and religious scholars alike.

Legal Troubles and Allegations

Despite claiming to advocate a modern form of Islam, Oktar’s organization faced serious allegations, including accusations of being a sex cult. These allegations culminated in July 2018 when Oktar and over 160 of his associates were arrested on charges including forming a criminal enterprise, sexual abuse, and financial fraud.

The legal troubles facing Oktar and his organization were extensive. In 2021, following a lengthy trial, Oktar was sentenced to 1,075 years in prison. However, this sentence was overturned on appeal, leading to a retrial. In the subsequent trial, Oktar received an even harsher sentence of 8,658 years, reflecting the severity and multitude of his crimes.

Testimonies from former members revealed systemic sexual abuse and coercion within his organization, highlighting the cult-like control Oktar exerted over his followers. These revelations shed light on the dark underbelly of what had appeared to many as a modern Islamic movement.

Publications and Global Reach

Throughout his career, Oktar, under the pen name Harun Yahya, authored numerous books on subjects ranging from creationism to politics and spirituality. Many of these works were made available for free on his website and were translated into multiple languages, significantly expanding his global reach.

Oktar’s writings covered a wide range of topics beyond creationism, including the dangers of Darwinism, the existence of God, and the importance of Islamic morality. His prolific output and the wide distribution of his works, often free of charge, contributed to his significant influence in certain circles, particularly in Turkey and other Muslim-majority countries.

The Harun Yahya enterprise produced a vast amount of material over the years, including hundreds of books, documentaries, and websites. These materials often featured high-quality production values and glossy imagery, which contributed to their appeal and widespread distribution. The organization’s aggressive marketing strategies, including the unsolicited distribution of “The Atlas of Creation” to scientists and educational institutions worldwide, ensured that Oktar’s ideas reached a global audience.

Controversial Tactics and Criticisms

Oktar’s organization became known for its aggressive approach to critics and perceived opponents. The group was accused of using intimidation tactics, including lawsuits and threats, against those who challenged their views or criticized Oktar. This behavior raised concerns about freedom of speech and academic freedom, not only in Turkey but also in other countries where Oktar’s influence was felt.

The scientific community widely criticized Oktar’s works, particularly his arguments against evolution. His approach to Islamic creationism, while accepting the age of the Earth as determined by scientific consensus, rejected the concept of evolution entirely. Oktar argued that species have remained unchanged since their creation, a view that contradicts the overwhelming scientific evidence for evolution.

Many scientists and educators pointed out the numerous factual inaccuracies in Oktar’s works, including misidentified fossils and incorrect captions on photographs. These errors, combined with the pseudoscientific nature of his arguments, led to widespread dismissal of his ideas within the scientific community.

Impact on Islamic Discourse

Despite the controversies and criticisms, Oktar’s work had a significant impact on Islamic discourse, particularly in the realm of creationism. His blend of modern presentation styles with conservative Islamic teachings created a unique space in the landscape of Islamic televangelism and apologetics.

Oktar’s efforts to reconcile Islamic beliefs with modern scientific knowledge, albeit through rejected scientific theories, resonated with some Muslims who sought to defend their faith against perceived threats from secularism and Western scientific thought. However, his methods and conclusions were far from universally accepted within Islamic scholarly circles.

The Future of Oktar’s Organization

The arrest and subsequent conviction of Adnan Oktar in 2018 marked a significant turning point for his organization. With Oktar and many of his key associates facing long prison sentences, the future of the Harun Yahya enterprise remains uncertain.

The legal actions taken against Oktar and his followers have significantly curtailed the activities of the organization. The websites, television channel, and publishing activities that were once the cornerstones of Oktar’s outreach have been largely shut down or severely limited in their operations.